And Other Real Life Happenings

Our life loving others, serving God and selling all we own to move to Africa.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Adoptive Talk

This is a wonderful, positive link that I think will help those who have a friend or family adopting.  These are the things you don't think about until YOU are the one adopting, or you were adopted.  Here is some food for thought.
 Click on the link below...
**This is our new adopted dog, Jake.  We really don't mind at all if you forget to use respectful adoptive language in front of him.  He is used to being laughed at and loved on all because he has a pug face.  Poor guy!  :)  He is Quinn's new best friend.  Jake is 7 years old and was given to us by some sweet friends who moved.  He has been such a fun addition to our family!

Monday, October 25, 2010

I Get It

I get it!  I finally get it!  Those crazy adoption mommas in a frenzy to get their paperwork done.  (hehe)  That is totally me right now.  I remember watching mom's who were going through adoptions and just didn't really understand what all the rush was.  It is almost a maternal feeling, something like nesting when you are pregnant.  When the lady at the bank tells me she can't get that paper for me today, I have to wait 48 hours I get so frustrated.  Its good though, I get to tell myself a million times a day that this whole adoption is in God's hands.  I can only do what I can, the timing of everything else is up to Him!

This would explain why I have been so MIA these past few days.  I have been working VERY hard for Sole Hope getting all of the details worked out for running a non-profit, and getting ready for our trip in December.  PLUS, doing this whole paper chase.  I started getting our dossier ready this past Monday, and my goal was to have to mailed out today.  But, Drew's work has not returned the LAST piece of paperwork...and as soon as it comes in the mail I'm headed to the post office like a crazy body get in my way!!!  :)

So, this was just a little glimpse of life.  I have not disappeared and I have several things in my mind I am waiting to blog about-maybe tomorrow!  But for now I'll leave you with this picture that left me laughing!  We were at our friend's house tonight and their dog is missing some teeth and his little tongue was hanging out.  I don't know if it will come across as funny as it looked in person but....for smiles...

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Some of our best friends left today. They came and spent a couple days here in Asheville with us. We had such a refreshing time. True friendships are like gold. We got to talk about life, and of course, Sole Hope-because that IS such a huge part of my life. Sole Hope, in case you didn't know, working with Wiphan. Check out this video and you'll get to see the heart of Wiphan. And, you might see someone you recognize along the way. :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Need Africa More than Africa Needs Me

So absolutely 100% true for ME! This is beautiful! How privileged our family will be to have a child from such a joy filled country! It's true-I've been there. WE are the ones missing something. Let us not second guess our responsibility to help our brothers and sisters in Christ, for this is our duty as a Christian! (sorry for the preachy-ness for those of you that are not Christians) But, just simply as a human being who breathes the same air as those experiencing loss, persecution, genocide...we are here to help one another. Be cautious your motives are in sync with humility and serving.
For our family, the call is to adopt. And we are SO excited to fulfill that calling! I know we have a long road up ahead. What could you be doing? I know everyone is not called to adopt. (Although I personally cannot imagine that!! ;) There are several needs right here in America that are waiting to be met! Go help someone who is less fortunate today. You will soon realize that if their JOY is in the Lord, they very well might fill YOU up! :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Boone, NC

Today we are leaving to spend the weekend with Drew's family in Boone, NC!  If you have not been there-you must go.  I know several people go during the winter for the skiing, but my favorite time to go is in the fall and summer.  Downtown Boone is beautiful!  Well, ALL of Boone is beautiful!  This time of year we celebrate all the fall birthdays.  So, needless to say, I've been packing all day.  Why does it take ALL day to get ready for a weekend trip?!  It used to take maybe an hour-before kids...and only 30 minutes before I was married.  ;)  But, they are SO worth the extra time!  One of my favorite friends and her children are coming to stay at our house this weekend and use it as a little get away while we get away.  I love when plans align just so and you can bless someone with what you have!

On the topic of adoption, (ooo that word just gets me more excited every DAY!) our finalized homestudy came in the mail yesterday.  And hopefully today will be the day we get our papers so we can start our dossier!  (For those of you unfamiliar with the adoption process, that is just a bunch of paperwork...BUNCH...that is sent to the government you will be adopting from)  We have listed that we will adopt one OR two children between the ages of 0-2 years, either gender.  I am starting to realize that I do have predicted outcome in my head of what we will get.  I need to start opening my mind more so I am not totally thrown off if we get more than one child!  Right now I picture us with one little boy under the age of one.  I think maybe because all of our friends that did not specify got one boy under the age of one.  :)  He even has a name!!  (But we are not telling what the name is until we know what child we will call ours.)  ;)

OK, I need to get back to cleaning and packing!  Quinn has started a little business making crayons and "coloring books" to bring home her sibling(s)!  Too cute, I'll inform you more of the details later. She is definitely cut out of the same cloth her mother is!

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sweet husband!!  I've been saying he was 33 all year, now he really is!  

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Adoption Dos and Don'ts

If you ever wondered what to say or not say to a family adopting, or how to view a transracial family, or what's going through an adoptive family's mind-  this will help spell it out.  
Click on the link below:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Warm Fall Days

The kids and I had so much fun yesterday!  We went to Starbucks for Quinn to do her school work.  We both seem to concentrate better when we are not at home.  We sat on the porch outside Starbucks and she worked on school on the computer while I read a book on shoe making.  Asa was very enthralled with Quinn working on the computer, so he inadvertently was learning while she was.  We brought our lunch with us-which happened to be Africa shaped sandwiches.  My kids love these!  
(we eat the scraps too)
After our day at Starbucks and running errands we went down to Splashville downtown.  It was after 5pm but surprisingly it was still warm enough.  As tired as myself and the kids were, I knew it would be one of the last days of the season to enjoy Splashville.  We spent a couple hours there-I just sat and read more of my shoe making book and watched the kids.  What a beautiful night!
 Quinn taking a break from running through the fountains.
On our way to the car she asked me to please stop and take a picture of her.
 Downtown Asheville on a beautiful fall night.

Today we are off to the post office to drop more papers in the mail for our adoption and to mail these awesome artisan shirts.  These shirts are made by a local fabric artist with fabric from Ndola, Zambia.  All of the proceeds go back to helping put shoes on the feet of orphans in Ndola.  This would make an excellent Christmas present for someone!  Each shirt is different-but if course if you see one pictured you like, our shirt maker can make one very similar.

Check 'em out in our store!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

When Being A Follower Is Good

For those of you that are as non blog savvy as I am, I just thought I'd let you know that if you FOLLOW me on this blog you'll get updates on when I write blogs.  :)  Then you won't have to randomly remember to check back.  You just click on the FOLLOW button on the right.
It's okay, just this once you can be a follower and it's okay.
We were given a new family member last week.  Some friends of ours needed to get rid of now we have a dog, cat, rabbit and chickens.  And, I will warn you, Drew said Asa could have a hermit crab for his birthday.  (I'm less than thrilled about that one) Jake is hilarious and provides many hours of laughter to our family-not to mention he is a good companion.  I think I'm his new BFF, and I'm okay with that.  Just as long as he keeps me laughing!
Now go follow me!  Please.  :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Corn Maze To Help Eliada

Today the kids and I had a FULL day!  The kids and I ran errands all day and then when we got home we went to the Eliada Corn Maze this evening. The maze we chose to do was 2.5 miles and the kids had a blast!
It was so fun to run through the corn with the kids and and Asa had a great time trying to figure out on the map which way we should go.  :)  The kids also played in a box full of corn (instead of sand) and they loved it!  

 Above: Quinn and Holly.  Holly will be going with us to Africa!  We LOVE this girl!!!

We walked through corn and talked to a new friend about our adoption...oh how I can't wait for our new child(ren)!  Then, we came home to a message on the machine from our agency saying our homestudy was approved and the LOVED it and it could not have been more perfect!  Wow!  Yay!!!!!  I got chils and all excited....its becoming more real-and harder for me to put in the back of my mind.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sole Hope Threads

I'm going to be too tired to get up in the morning because I've stayed up doing THIS! Check out this very short and simple video I made for Sole Hope. Click on over to:
if you'd like to buy one of these for yourself or a friend or family member. Remember, its not too early to start thinking Christmas shopping! :)

Littlest Golfer Photoshoot

Here is a slide show from a photoshoot we did for The Littlest Golfer yesterday. It was at the BEAUTIFUL and historic, Grove Park Inn. The pictures they took will be used for promo materials from what I, rack cards, banners...whatever. :)
Our friends, the Wilson's own this super sweet little business. If you are into golf, you just might want to pick up some of this gear for your littlest golfer.
Click on the link below to view the slideshow!